Securities Litigation


Lyft to face securities litigation

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By now, those who have not personally used a ridesharing app have probably at least heard of one, such as Uber or Lyft. While these ridesharing programs are certainly popular among many people in New York, they are not without controversy. Lyft is currently dealing with securities litigation for allegedly making misleading claims. A lawsuit […]

Regulations may halt the cryptocurrency craze

The thought of virtual money is obscure, but not entirely unfathomable. Like stocks and similar investments, you can purchase and sell cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum that have slightly unusual properties. Many older investors are curious about whether to enter the market. However, economists and market observers have a few new concerns. On this […]

Fraudulent hedge fund manager released from Canadian prison

Fraudulent hedge fund management is a serious problem. While there are entities in place to help prevent and prosecute fraudulent brokers and firms, there is often little recourse for victims who have suffered financial losses from hedge funds because they are not required to register with the SEC.   A scam across borders The fraudulent […]